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Find Code95 experts’ advice, stay on top of every technical trend, and get the basic knowledge that every business should know.
Top 5 online traffic sources to master in 2018
You probably know that the days of coming up with a catchy or creative ad campaign and smearing it across the three traditional whopping marketing channels like television, radio, and…...
Fintech: get to know the future of financial technology
The non stop pace of technology did some alterations in the financial sector by letting a new term emerge and go viral in a short time span called Financial technology…...
كل ما تريد معرفته عن الـ Gamification
أحد التقنیات الحديثة التي ظھرت في السنوات الأخیرة ، وظھر لھا فوائد عديدة في نجاح وتطوير بعض التطبیقات والألعاب والمواقع ھي الـ (التلعیب أو اللعبنة) التعريف المبدئي لل Gamification ھو…...
Influencer Marketing is in: why your business needs influencers
Influencer Marketing is a powerful marketing channel you shouldn't underestimate. Nowadays influencers can reach a massive number of people who they can effortlessly convey any message to and be persuasive…...
Why Video Marketing Is The Future of Content Creation? (Infographic)
Over the most recent 10 years, the digital landscape has changed significantly. Individuals are eliminating desktopand laptop computers to search the web and interact with content. Rather, they are grabbing…...
5 steps you should consider before kicking off the new year!
We are on the verge of wrapping up 2017 to welcome 2018. There are 5 Steps you need to consider before kicking off the new year: 1-Take a quick recap…...
What is Augmented Reality?
Using the latest trends and the cutting edge technologies is very important to foster innovation and to offer the best quality and services compatible with the non stop pace of technology!…...
Butterfly Effect & Business Growth
"You could not remove a single grain of sand from its place without thereby changing something throughout all parts of the immeasurable whole." -Johann Gottlieb Fichte Let me introduce you to…...
Customer Appreciation
Customer appreciation Generally successful long-term relationships require respect, attentive listening, showing some concern and care toward your partner. All these concepts can be summarized in one word: Appreciation! It is…...
5 Branding Mistakes to Avoid at all Costs
We see brands making these common branding mistakes all the time and they drive us absolutely crazy. Avoid these mistakes while branding your business: Don't copy cat! The first one…...
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