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This summer is yours! 5 proven solutions on how to keep your business going in Summer

This summer is yours! 5 proven solutions on how to keep your business going in Summer

In summer, businesses either slow down or boom! With a busy and dynamic season like summer, you should never miss an opportunity to reach your customers everywhere, promote attractive sales,…...
What is a B2C/B2B Hybrid E-Commerce Platform?

What is a B2C/B2B Hybrid E-Commerce Platform?

Updated on July 25th, 2022 Targeting both customers and companies is cool but running two different platforms for B2C and B2B is costly and takes up much time and effort…...
Social Media Marketing: Optimize your Youtube videos

Social Media Marketing: Optimize your Youtube videos

Let’s make one thing clear; YouTube currently ranks as the #2 online search engine. Actually, it’s second only to Google which owns YouTube. So do you really want to launch…...
B2B Vs B2C: Your Guide to Choose Your eCommerce Platform

B2B Vs B2C: Your Guide to Choose Your eCommerce Platform

Turning leads into customers in business seems to be challenging. However, its sales relationship is sustainable and of high value. On the other side, targeting individual customers is shorter but…...
انشاء موقع متجاوب ليعمل على الهواتف و التابلت افضل

انشاء موقع متجاوب ليعمل على الهواتف و التابلت افضل

إزاي اخلى الموقع بتاعى موقع متجاوب (Responsive) علشان يتقرى على الأجهزة الصغيرة؟ تعرف دلوقتي ان في معظم المواقع 80% من مستخدمينها بيفتحوا الموقع من خلال الموبايل، و20% بس هما اللي بيفتحوه من الديسكتوب،…...
ما هو المتجر الالكتروني؟ مميزات وعيوب

ما هو المتجر الالكتروني؟ مميزات وعيوب

ما هو المتجر الالكتروني؟ وكيف نجحت به الشركات الناشئة وأصحاب الأعمال في صنع اسمًا قويًا ومكانة خاصة بها بين المنافسين محققة أعلى الأرباح.   في الوقت الذي يتزايد فيه عدد…...
Rocket Shops … إنشاء متجر إلكتروني متكامل في 7 أيام فقط

Rocket Shops … إنشاء متجر إلكتروني متكامل في 7 أيام فقط

.إنشاء متجر إلكتروني لمشروعك وابدأ البيع فوراً !عشان تكبر مشروعك وتوصل لأكبر عدد من العملاء وتبيع وتوصل لكل مكان، لازم يبقى عندك متجر إلكتروني قوي تفضل بيه قد المنافسة .بكل…...
WooCommerce: The Ultimate Solution for your eCommerce Website

WooCommerce: The Ultimate Solution for your eCommerce Website

Whether you already have your eCommerce website, or it is just an idea in your mind, you must have heard of WooCommerce plugin.   Here you will be introduced to…...
Short videos are your way to spread across networks

Short videos are your way to spread across networks

Recently, Twitter decided to increase videos that can be shared in the network to 140 second. This type of content (short videos) attracts social networking users and achieves widespread, and…...
10 Things You are Definitely Losing by Not Using Magento!

10 Things You are Definitely Losing by Not Using Magento!

Did you know that, of the 1 million highest-ranking eCommerce platforms, Magento occupies 19.64% in 2020 according to! Magento has proved to be a powerful and comprehensive platform when…...
Testimonial “A professional, nice to work with a bunch of people that will add value in any project they work on.” Passant Fouad, Juhayna “Perfect support, outstanding calibres. We as an organization consider them a great partner.” AttijariWafa Bank “Code95 is comprised of a dynamic, energetic and dedicated team that has helped us in realising our vision for the website we wanted to create. They are very flexible and work round the clock to ensure the process is going smoothly. They are creative and experienced and able to handle big tasks and projects. It was a pleasure to work with them and we look forward to continuing this relationship in future endeavours.” Abdel-Rahman Hussein, Dandin “By the end of a very long timeline project full of energy, stress, quality, dedication, long sleepless nights, day to day support even on weekends & public holidays & a perfect project delivery, I would like first to thank each & everybody who gave the energy & dedication to this project leaving family & personal life to provide such a service. I would like also to inform you that our work especially the website has been recognized from the highest levels in the government & everyone we meet during the event give us the credit over it, so I loved to share this with you guys this would never be done without your great support all over the last months. We as JWT appreciate the relationship with your end & wishing to have more & more business together for the upcoming months. “THANK YOU ALL, Ahmed Helal , JWT
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