WooCommerce: The Ultimate Solution for your eCommerce Website
4 min read

Posted: 06 Aug, 2020
Whether you already have your eCommerce website, or it is just an idea in your mind, you must have heard of WooCommerce plugin.
Here you will be introduced to WooCommerce plugin, one of the best eCommerce solutions for your business. What is WooCommerce, when to use it, and what makes it that powerful eCommerce plugin that stands out from a large variety of other great eCommerce tools.
While traditional commerce had dropped down especially in 2020, the eCommerce hit new levels! The thing that left sellers with no other choice than digitizing their businesses and go for the online stores.
And when it comes to eCommerce, powerful features, good pricing, and compelling user experience should be taken into account
Exclusively, WooCommerce made a great combination and brought all of these features together in one equation.
Quick Info: More than 42% of the online eCommerce websites. Interesting, right?
Let’s see first..
What is WooCommerce?
WooCommerce is a free open-source plugin developed by WordPress. It adds the shopping cart functionalities to your website, so you can simply create the most convenient and compelling shopping experience for your customers. And now,Here is a list of 5 powerful features of WooCommerce that makes it the best for your eCommerce website:
1- Free, Open-source and Easy Plugin
Being a free open-source software means that you are open to develop, customize it according to your store’s needs. The good thing also is that it is easy to download, set up, and use which make it even easier for non-technical users to manage their website by themselves. Adding to an incredible selection of more than 400 extensions.2- Scalable and Flexible
No matter how big is your business now, WooCommerce applies to all sizes of business from tiny to large with its scalable and flexible system. With thousands of add-ons and plugins, you will be able to add specific features to your website as prefered to make your online store even more convenient.3- Sell anything with WooCommerce
No matter what your online store sells, you can always use WooCommerce for selling almost any given product. Be it large and physical products or digital ones or even reserving appointments. It allows you to show your products’ customization options for your customers to choose from. In addition to a secured built-in payment system that supports credit cards, bank transfers, and cash on delivery options. WooCommerce also gives your customers the option to collect their order, delivery or shipping aboard showing the different taxes according to their country of residence.4- Strong Content Management System
It's integrated with the most powerful website builder, WordPress, added a strong backbone to it. The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) options of WordPress help you improve your online presence and get high-ranked views which in turn get you more sales. With the wide shopping functionality of WooCommerce, you can highlight your top-rated products, show similar and related products, add coupons and social media integrations to gain more customers and sales. You can also view your sales insights over any given period of time to track your sales performance.5- Easy customers and inventory management tools
WooCommerce introduces a real comprehensive management system. You can keep your eyes on your inventory and be aware of what is in stock and what is out. You can also mark your orders to know what you have delivered and what is still on the list, as well add customer’s preferences to their orders. WooCommerce Plugin offers a fast and easy checkout for both users and guests. Also a simple signup process for your customers to create accounts, with the option to automatically generate their usernames and passwords. Moreover, it allows you to add users from your team to manage your store and track its performance. In short, WooCommerce has proved to be a powerful plugin that brings top-notch strengths to your WordPress online store. And now, if you weren’t using WooCommerce, would you change to it?Posted: 06 Aug, 2020
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