Increase website ranking using search engine optimization SEO

Posted: 04 Jul, 2016
Not many people know how to increase the website ranking through the SEO different strategies, and how Search engine optimization increase traffic and target more potential customers.
What is search engine optimization - SEO?
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the simple activity of ensuring a website can be found in search engines for words and phrases relevant to what the site is providing. The goal of search engine optimization is to increase the traffic to your website. There are two well-known methods of SEO which are organic and non-organic.
Types of search engine optimization - SEO
Organic SEO
Is free and natural way to bring traffic on your website from search engine; the results are the Web page listings that most closely match the user’s search query based on relevance. It takes more time to implement but can ensure long term results. It works by focusing on content creation, link building, meta-tag optimization, keyword enhancement, etc.
Know 8 Google tricks help is SEO and advanced search.
Inorganic SEO
May assure quicker results and improve your initial ranking and placement, but the effects are generally less effective in the long run when compared to organic SEO. It works by concentrating on search engine marketing which involves paid advertising, pay-per-click advertising as well as paid affiliate marketing.

Search Engine Advertising Campaigns
To simplify it we can say that when you search in Google using any keyword you will get so many page links which contain information relevant to your keyword. You also will see at the top of search result some links which are marked as sponsored or have the AD mark which clarifies that they are paid links. So, if you click on any link which is paid link then you will be from the Inorganic traffic. On the other hand, if you visit naturally ranked links then you will be from the organic traffic.
Read more about backlinks and how they effect website ranking.
SEO is the best for your business
For a small business, it is better to start with Organic SEO because aside from being low-cost investment, it will build your online presence in sequence and lately (finally) have a solid foundation for your own business – besides, you are doing the right way. It is not bad to invest in Inorganic; you just have to be confident that you are investing your time and money on the right campaigns, and try to avoid investing too much on paid advertising to gain traffic. Instead you should invest your effort on creating relevant and useful topics and content.
Search Engine Optimization provided in Egypt by Code95
Code95 provides SEO services in Egypt; our goal is to improve your website ranking in google search engine results and helping you to reach targeted audiences by increasing your traffic by targeting your most important keyword.
We optimize and enhance your web pages to follow google guidelines and build internal and external backlinks which help your website to get higher rank and guarantee that your site is user friendly.

Here's some SEO guidelines for your website:
- Using key phrase factors like keyword position, density and relevancy.
- Page markup factors like >title <tags, >meta< tags and >img< alt tags.
- Using H1/H2/H3 HTML Tags.
- Improve the content of home page.
Posted: 04 Jul, 2016
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