What are backlinks? How do they affect website ranking?
3 min read
Posted: 17 Sep, 2024
Backlinks or Inbound links are considered an important scope of search engine optimization SEO. In this article we will clarify what a backlink is and what its importance is.
What are backlinks and why they are important in SEO?
Backlinks are links refer to your own website from another website or webpage. It is also a way that users use to navigate from one page to another and it’s called internal backlink. The number of backlinks in a website is a sign of the importance and popularity of that website as Google or any other search engine will consider the website that have many high-quality links more credible and relevant than other websites in the results pages. Google also analyze whether your website is a trusted website or a spammy website through the backlinks on your website. When search engines measure if your website is relevant to your keyword or not, they take into consideration the number of the high-quality links are there in this website. [caption id="attachment_1023" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Every website should have many backlinks to increase it's ranking.[/caption] Know more about SEO and how to increase website ranking, Click here.SEO Backlinks Signals
Global Popularity
If you have a popular website, then you will have more links linking to it. Wikipedia as an example has thousands of websites linking to it, which means it’s an important site. So, to be trusted from search engines, you will need a lot of backlinks in your website.Local/Topic-Specific Popularity
The concept of local popularity suggests that links within sites have closed topics in specific field are more important than links from general topics. For example, if your website sells cars, a backlink from the factories or companies for cars is important than links from any different field.Backlink Anchor Text
Anchor text is a text that users see on the page to click if they want to pen the link like Click here or See more. The text is usually formatted in a way to by different from the remaining text. It’s preferred to be in a blue color or underlining and clickable. [caption id="attachment_1022" align="aligncenter" width="480"] High quality backlinks increase traffic to your website.[/caption]Kinds of backlinks:
Internal links are the links which refers to other pages on the same website. If you want the user to navigate from one page to another inside your website, it’s important to insert the backlinks inside the topics, blog, services or any page.External
External backlinks are the links which allow the user to navigate from one website to another website. The external links are more important than the internal which help search engine robots to improve that your increase website ranking on search engine results.Posted: 17 Sep ,2024
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