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Augmented Reality: A story of how graphics became real

Augmented Reality: A story of how graphics became real

Games have been the main drive of real-time graphics technology up from the start with 2D graphics. But there was this sense of interaction with the digital world that was…...
World Book Day: Top 8 Apps For Readers

World Book Day: Top 8 Apps For Readers

Happy World Book Day! Reading is very beneficial for all age groups, the alterations that reading can do are significantly positive, it boosts your knowledge and your writing skills, expand…...
Fintech: get to know the future of financial technology

Fintech: get to know the future of financial technology

The non stop pace of technology did some alterations in the financial sector by letting a new term emerge and go viral in a short time span called Financial technology…...
كل ما تريد معرفته عن الـ Gamification

كل ما تريد معرفته عن الـ Gamification

أحد التقنیات الحديثة التي ظھرت في السنوات الأخیرة ، وظھر لھا فوائد عديدة في نجاح وتطوير بعض التطبیقات والألعاب والمواقع ھي الـ (التلعیب أو اللعبنة)  التعريف المبدئي لل Gamification ھو…...
What is Augmented Reality?

What is Augmented Reality?

Using the latest trends and the cutting edge technologies is very important to foster innovation and to offer the best quality and services compatible with the non stop pace of technology!…...
أربع تطبيقات ممكن تساعدك فى شهر رمضان

أربع تطبيقات ممكن تساعدك فى شهر رمضان

شهر رمضان الكريم على الأبواب, بعد كام يوم من دلوقتى هنكون بنحضر الفطار والشوارع مليانة زينة و أنوار و فوانيس. فى مصر بنشوف رمضان بصورة مختلفة و بنستناه كل سنة,…...
اليوم العالمي للتوحد: 5 تطبيقات للتواصل مع المصابين بالتوحد

اليوم العالمي للتوحد: 5 تطبيقات للتواصل مع المصابين بالتوحد

يوم 2 إبريل هو اليوم العالمي للتوحد, بدأ الإحتفال باليوم ده فى 2008 بعد إجماع جميع الدول الأعضاء فى الأمم المتحدة على أهمية تسليط الضوء على المشكلة والتوعية بكيفية التعامل…...
Code95 ICT Innovative award

Code95 ICT Innovative award

We proudly say that Code95 ICT award winner, we have applied for Egypt innovate ICT award 2014 organized by Technology Innovation Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC), we got nominated for the award…...
Testimonial “A professional, nice to work with a bunch of people that will add value in any project they work on.” Passant Fouad, Juhayna “Perfect support, outstanding calibres. We as an organization consider them a great partner.” AttijariWafa Bank “Code95 is comprised of a dynamic, energetic and dedicated team that has helped us in realising our vision for the website we wanted to create. They are very flexible and work round the clock to ensure the process is going smoothly. They are creative and experienced and able to handle big tasks and projects. It was a pleasure to work with them and we look forward to continuing this relationship in future endeavours.” Abdel-Rahman Hussein, Dandin “By the end of a very long timeline project full of energy, stress, quality, dedication, long sleepless nights, day to day support even on weekends & public holidays & a perfect project delivery, I would like first to thank each & everybody who gave the energy & dedication to this project leaving family & personal life to provide such a service. I would like also to inform you that our work especially the website has been recognized from the highest levels in the government & everyone we meet during the event give us the credit over it, so I loved to share this with you guys this would never be done without your great support all over the last months. We as JWT appreciate the relationship with your end & wishing to have more & more business together for the upcoming months. “THANK YOU ALL, Ahmed Helal , JWT
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