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Advantages of e-Marketing for your company

Advantages of e-Marketing for your company

Updated on July 25th 2022   After the spread of smartphones provided with high speed internet, advantages of e marketing increased. A lot of customers depend on their smartphones in…...
هل يستطيع المبرمجون الإستغناء عن الفلاش في إظهار الجرافيكس؟

هل يستطيع المبرمجون الإستغناء عن الفلاش في إظهار الجرافيكس؟

 من فترة كده الناس إتكلمت عن جزء الفلاش اللي موجود في معظم مواقع الإنترنت، واللي كان بيستخدم في إظهار إعلان متحرك مثلاً أو إظهار chart معين أو كمجسم متحرك، كل…...
Top 5 Websites For Tech News 2019

Top 5 Websites For Tech News 2019

  1-CNET.COM the 1st Websites For Tech News All tech-savvy should check this website on a regular basis as it provides comprehensive information about the latest technology and gadgets in the market.…...
How to Grow your Business in the Summer

How to Grow your Business in the Summer

Tanning and more tanning; that’s how you get the summer look! The problem is, business does not wait. You have a bunch of tasks on hold and tens of unopened…...
ايه أحسن طريقة فى إدارة المشروعات ؟

ايه أحسن طريقة فى إدارة المشروعات ؟

إدارة المشروعات إدارة المشروعات موضوع من أكثر الموضوعات دراسة، اللي هو اسمه Project Management، أنا هتكلم هنا عن إدارة المشروعات من الناحية التقنية، في أكتر من موديل تقدر تستخدمهم فى…...
Best Ramadan Advertising Campaigns 2019

Best Ramadan Advertising Campaigns 2019

Ramadan is always a busy season for advertisers. It is the holiest month in the year, but it is also the most entertaining one. Mega companies pair with advertisers to…...
How to increase your website traffic?

How to increase your website traffic?

Why do we create websites on the Internet? The purpose of creating the website is to make visits and even the highest possible rate of visits to this site. How…...
Google Plus Shut Down: the Rise and Fall of the Social Network

Google Plus Shut Down: the Rise and Fall of the Social Network

For some time now, Google has been trying to find its own version of Facebook. Following other failed Google social networks like Google Wave and Google Buzz, Google+ is the…...
5 factors you should know before redesigning your website

5 factors you should know before redesigning your website

Before 10 or even 5 years, website design was different from the modern website design. With the great technological development in recent years, redesigning your old website is a priority in…...
E-Marketing Strategies to Fit your Company

E-Marketing Strategies to Fit your Company

Some companies are still considering that traditional marketing is the best way to market their goods and services. In most of these cases, the main reason is the lack of…...
Testimonial “A professional, nice to work with a bunch of people that will add value in any project they work on.” Passant Fouad, Juhayna “Perfect support, outstanding calibres. We as an organization consider them a great partner.” AttijariWafa Bank “Code95 is comprised of a dynamic, energetic and dedicated team that has helped us in realising our vision for the website we wanted to create. They are very flexible and work round the clock to ensure the process is going smoothly. They are creative and experienced and able to handle big tasks and projects. It was a pleasure to work with them and we look forward to continuing this relationship in future endeavours.” Abdel-Rahman Hussein, Dandin “By the end of a very long timeline project full of energy, stress, quality, dedication, long sleepless nights, day to day support even on weekends & public holidays & a perfect project delivery, I would like first to thank each & everybody who gave the energy & dedication to this project leaving family & personal life to provide such a service. I would like also to inform you that our work especially the website has been recognized from the highest levels in the government & everyone we meet during the event give us the credit over it, so I loved to share this with you guys this would never be done without your great support all over the last months. We as JWT appreciate the relationship with your end & wishing to have more & more business together for the upcoming months. “THANK YOU ALL, Ahmed Helal , JWT
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