What is Content Marketing?
5 min read

Posted: 29 Oct, 2018
Advertising is not dead, but it is taking the backseat.
Marketing is evolving!
The online community is expanding and changing all we know about Marketing along with it. The internet has challenged traditional advertising like no other. Thanks to the internet, we now have a new worthy rival for typical same ‘ol Marketing schemes. The internet is a fairly new invention that has invaded our lives and become an indispensable part of the day to day. It is growing faster than anyone could have ever imagined. Internet technology is taking everybody off guard. It is not enough to keep up with the latest trends anymore to stay on top, it is essential to predict the upcoming trends and implement them first.Social Media Marketing and more...
Marketers, in particular, are being constantly challenged by the internet. Although Social Media may seem like a field day for Marketers, creating a brand that lasts online is actually pretty difficult. In today’s world of digital clutter, everybody is struggling to stand out. That’s where Content Marketing comes in.What is Content Marketing?
In the simplest terms: Content Marketing is telling a story. While most brands rely on paid marketing (sponsored posts, Adword campaigns), because it gives them quick results. There is actually a slower but steadier route. Content Marketing works to build a loyal and targeted audience base through content that is valuable to its readers.Why invest in Content Marketing?
Tell your unique story
Engage loyal customers
Reduce marketing costs
How to do Content Marketing?
Think of a buyer persona in your head. Let’s follow that buyer persona along through its purchase journey. Content Marketing works best when it primarily serves the audience. Understanding your audience’s lives, motives and challenges helps you fulfill their needs. Strategizing your Content Marketing to cater to every phase of your buyer persona’s purchase journey is not the only way to do it, but the most effective.-
Provide your insight.
Give them a reason to stay.
Let the right CTA do the rest.
Posted: 29 Oct, 2018
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