What you need to know before creating e-commerce website

Posted: 18 Jul, 2016
E-Commerce is the process of practicing commercial activities including products, services and information. E-Commerce website is not only for buying, selling and trading anything using the internet or any other electronic devices; it also includes commercial advertising, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Point of Sale (POS).
E-Commerce Website covers the following points:
- The payment process of products or services.
- Negotiation processes between buyer and seller.
- Specifications of products and services.
- Customer service and after-sales service.
- Advertisings of products and services.
- Shipping and delivering products and services to the consumer.
Clich here to check our E-Commerce service to build your first online store.
E-Commerce is divided into 4 types which are:
Business to Business:

This type is when companies target other companies and sell their products and services to these targeted companies like Cisco Company.
Business to Consumers:

This type is the common type when companies sell their products directly to the consumer and there are many examples for these companies like etail.
Consumers to Consumers:

This type is when consumers negotiate and sell products or services to each other directly to end sales process over the internet like ebay Company.
Business to Government:
This type when companies provide products and services to governments.
Elements needed to build E-Commerce site and online store
-Provide a catalog contains information about the marketed product or service and have a guide to attract visitor and customers to the online store in a suitable place to market these products like a website or a billboard inside famous websites.
-Provide a service to receive orders, and this service is usually an online application.
-Provide a service to receive the paid money; this service can be a bank account, electronic cart, e-wallets, credit cards and traditional payment by traditional mail.
-Provide a service to transport and deliver products to customers.
-Provide a service to handle the frequently asked questions (FAQ).
Posted: 18 Jul, 2016
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