How to be on the top results in search engines?

Posted: 29 Aug, 2016
Building a friendly website to search engines like Google is considered one of the most important factors to be on the top results on search engines. The important question is how to build websites with articles to reach the top results in search engines?
The answer to this question is not absolute, but if you work on applying some of the following points, you'll get good results and your article will appear in the top results.
Read 8 Google tricks to help SEO and advanced search.

Tips to reach top results in search engines
1- Keyword

Before you start writing the article, select the main keyword whether it’s short tail keyword or long tail keyword.
Make sure that the keyword appears in the title, url, first paragraph and second paragraph, and the word density should be between 1-2%.
Try to divide the article into short paragraphs, and sub-headings "H1-H6".
Bold the keywords and phrases if possible, but not randomly.
Try to write the Keywords in the beginning of the first paragraph and at the beginning of the title if possible, it strengthens its position with Google.
The number of words of the article should be 300 words at least, as the least are not priorities for search engines.
2- Links (internal- external)

It’s better for your article to contain internal and external links (Hyper Links), but these links should be directed to related topics. There are links that lead to other sites are called Outbound links, but try to assure that sites which links are directed to, are qualified enough to search engines. It’s preferable if you linked keywords to internal or external links, for example, you can link it to another related article in your website or another websites.
You can build links to your article, post it on social networking sites and others, the links are No Follow but they attract visits to your article and as a result, search engines can see the article’s details intensely. If your article contains the main elements to make it on the top, you can guarantee that your article will be on the top results of search engines.
3- Images

The article should contain several images related to the topic and the type of the article; this raises the attention of search engines.
The alternative text of the main image should contain the focus keyword of the article to raise the efficiency of the topic of Search Engine.
Learn how to increase website ranking using Search Engine Optimization SEO.
4- Sub-headings

The article should contain sub-headings and as I mentioned above it’s better to contain at least one subtitle includes the keyword as it helps your article to reach the top results, although this is not considered a major factor to improve the search engine optimization.
Posted: 29 Aug, 2016
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