Top 5 ECommerce Tools to start your ECommerce Website Now!
4 min read

Posted: 15 Jul, 2020
It seems like 2020 is reshaping the definition of commerce, especially after COVID-19. Check out this list of different e-commerce tools, including e-commerce platforms to grow your audience, email marketing, design, and performance tracking tools that will make building your eCommerce website easier.
1- Shopify - eCommerce Solution.
Listed on top of the e-commerce platforms, Shopify offers you the most convenient e-commerce experience with a handful of built-in powerful features that will save you the hesitation of setting up your e-commerce business. Luckily, Shopify doesn’t require any level of skills to get in, thanks to its handy platform. From selling, marketing, to managing your e-commerce website, Shopify tailors multiple practical tools to serve your needs. Wherever you are, with the integrations of Shopify with different social media platforms you can sell your products using Facebook, Twitter, and so on. In addition to Shopify POS point of sale software, both your online and offline stores are brought together to be managed from one place. Handle orders, inventory, deliveries all at once in an unprecedented unified retail experience. Another great advantage of Shopify is its mobile-optimized themes, the thing that will undoubtedly introduce you to a wider target audience due to its amazing user experience.2- Magento - eCommerce Solution.
Another e-commerce platform for your website is Magento from Adobe. With its drag and drop feature, you can build your website pages with your own customized preferences and Magento will automatically organize and show your website sections accordingly. Magento exclusively provides a smart and responsive automation system from stock management, shipping system, and product monitoring. Magento also excels in customer segmentation and targeting strategy as it offers a high level of personalization, showing your different products, prices, and promotions based on your customer’s gender, location, search history, shopping cart, etc, which makes up a more customized shopping experience.3- Drip - Email Marketing Solution.
After you have successfully set up your e-commerce website, email marketing automation tools will add great value to your e-commerce business. With Drip, one of the best e-commerce marketing tools, you will be able to automatically manage your marketing emails and communications, to grow your business and maintain the workflows and conversations with your audiences. Use the email builder feature of Drip, and get hands-on with every single detail of your email structure. Send offers, promotions, and follow-ups easily to your customers, and tag emails to trace their behavior. Receive your customer’s interaction with your emails to get insights on your customer’s interests. Create powerful email campaigns and marketing workflows or use the prebuilt ones to take your e-commerce business to the next level.4- Canva - Graphic Design Tool.
When it comes to visuals and graphics, Canva is an unbeatable design tool with the incredible set of designs and features it has to offer. On an extensive yet simple interface, Canva’s drag and drop feature makes a convenient and even enjoyable user experience integrated with a number of other empowering features that will make your website designs stand out from the rest. Browse millions of designs, layouts, templates and ideas that will definitely spark inspiration. The good thing about this massive library is that it is fully customizable! So you can edit and resize whatever you want according to your e-commerce website needs. Despite the encouraging professionally designed templates, charts and diagrams, you can opt for making the designs yourself.5- Google Analytics - Website Marketing Tool.
With its many features, Google Analytics is the most useful marketing tool for your eCommerce website. Through it, you can track your performance by monitoring your visits sources and getting audience reports. Understanding your e-commerce website visitors’ interactions will help you learn about their interests, and improve your website accordingly. And so as to your visits reports give you an insight on which channel drives more traffic to your website and which one needs more work. With the incredible list of features supported by Google Analytics, you will get the full control on your website using the right tool. Using these top 5 eCommerce tools will make your eCommerce website a stone’s throw from you. And now which eCommerce tool you think you need to start with?Posted: 15 Jul, 2020
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