Social Media Marketing: How to Get Maximum Exposure on Instagram

Posted: 24 Oct, 2018
So, let’s talk Instagram, shall we? If you are confident enough about your products and are seeking instant exposure then an Instagram account should definitely be integrated into your social media marketing strategy. An Instagram account is bound to shed enough light on your brand, granting you the ability to jump-start your business and gain many followers; and in Instagram language followers can usually refer to leads, customers or fans, so you are welcome.
Put your Social Media Marketing Goggles on!
Upon surfing the app with a critical eye though, it may seem intimidating, right?
Here’s the thing:
Most of us use Instagram for pleasure; we follow our friends and occasionally accounts that offer content we appreciate. We check hashtags and trend, and end up appreciating the aesthetically pleasing shots we see. However, if you are looking to use Instagram as a tool in your social media marketing campaign; it is bound to seem daunting.
Instagram is essentially a visual online platform that relies on the shots you are able to take. In other words: aesthetically pleasing shots = more followers.
So, your first goal must be to take Instagram-worthy pictures for your account, because how else are you going to get people to follow you? Don’t panic though, yes the shots you see on Instagram look super professional, but there are a few tricks that we can guarantee will make your experience so much easier. And we are here to share them with you.
It might surprise you to know that a lot of the shots you see on Instagram aren’t actually taken by a professional camera, they are taken by an iPhone camera most probably. So, if it’s not within your budget to purchase a brand new camera, rest assured, your phone’s camera will do for now.
2. Define your Brand.
What makes your brand stand out?
We are pretty sure you already have an answer to that question; make sure it is displayed in the pictures. It doesn’t have to be a glaring representation; it can be something as simple as your brand colors, your symbol, or even your general vibe.
You probably have already noticed;
Instagram is an extremely popular online platform and it’s usually integrated into every social media marketing campaign, you are going to have lots of competition. However, it’s not a photography contest, while yes a big part relies on your photography skills, if you are marketing for your business people aren’t just going to follow you for aesthetically pleasing pictures but also for what you offer. Make sure that is displayed in your pictures.
Still, here our branding mistakes to avoid while branding your business on Instagram.
3. Find a Theme.
This is something that most of the big accounts on Instagram have going for them: a theme.
In Instagram language, a theme is a series of consistent and cohesive shots that when put in the same grid will result in an aesthetically pleasing profile; thus gaining you more followers. Of course, you aren’t obliged to have a theme, however several bloggers have said that after applying a theme they have noticed a growth in their follower count; and since you are using Instagram as a social media marketing platform then gaining followers can’t hurt you.
A theme is basically your own style, take Palma Egypt for instance. Now they are a business that doesn’t simply post haphazardly, they have a well structured and maintained feed. To establish a theme you have to ask yourself a series of questions.
For starters:
Where will you be taking the pictures?
What vibes do you want your account to give off?
How do you want your account to look?
Do you want it to be colorful?
Do you want a white background?

Those questions are going to help you figure out what you want your theme to look like and how it can best represent your brand. Of course if you don’t fancy the idea of a theme that’s ok too, remember that it’s your account and don’t feel pressured into doing what others are doing.
4. Lighting.
We aren’t exaggerating when we say that lighting is probably THE most important aspect when you are taking pictures. No seriously, it is; you could be doing everything but bad lighting will still result in grainy and shady pictures.
A lot of people use LED lights to illuminate their pictures, you can easily get them on amazon. However, the fact remains that natural lighting is the best lighting you will ever get.
That being said, you don’t have to shoot outdoors, in fact shooting outdoors may result in shadows and things that you should generally avoid. We recommend shooting indoors with your subject positioned in front of a window though; we have found that this produces the best results. So fix a daily time in which you are comfortable with how your pictures turn out and go for it.
5. Editing.
Now don’t, under any circumstances, think that the pictures you take will turn out to be Instagram-worthy on the spot. In fact, not a single picture you see on Instagram is left un-edited. Editing is that magical flick of the wand that will turn your picture from a regular one to an Instagram worthy one.


There are several editing applications that you might want to check out, like:
6. Schedule.
Once you start posting regularly (and it has to be regularly) you are going to notice that certain posting times work out for you. It depends on your time zone and target audience, so unfortunately we won’t be able to set a specific time for you. But once you find your perfect timing, start scheduling your posts around it. This will increase your exposure and in turn increase your followers.
7. Exposure.
What makes finding an Instagram account easier than finding an independent website?
Hashtags will make your life so much easier. Make sure to apply relevant ones to all of your posts and you are bound to catch the attention of your target audience while they are checking their accounts. So check your competition and what hashtags they use and start applying them to your own posts.
Another thing that can really help you to get more exposure are Instagram stories. Fortunately for you, we have a full article handling Instagram stories, and we think it’s really going to help you out.
You should also engage with other accounts. The accounts you constantly engage with are the ones who are most likely to see your posts. Instagram engagement can be through likes, comments, or DMs. So don’t be shy and interact with other accounts as much as you can.
The most important thing to remember is that your account should convey who you are and represent your brand. So start with what you know and do what you are comfortable with; this way your social media marketing campaign is bound to be easy, enjoyable and effective.
Posted: 24 Oct, 2018
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