Productivity depend on workplace
2 min read

Posted: 17 May, 2016
Our mission in code95 is Creating a motivating and faithful environment for our team members that faster creativity, ownership and innovation that allows our team to perform at their best. The important concept in our company is offering excellent and healthy work environment to our employees to improve their productivity and performance.
In many studies, it has been found that tasks are completed faster and the performance improved in organizations which provide suitable and healthy work environment. The productivity of the employee not only depends on his ability, but also depends on personal motivation and work environment. In code95 we try our best to make our team feel comfortable and respected. We make sure to provide them with privacy and their own workspace where they are totally free to add their personal touch like simple decorated accessory, a photo or even a small house plant and they in turn keep their desks clean and organized.
Importance of plants in the office for more productivity
Generally, plants improve the overall appearance in the office and provide more health benefits. According to "Reuters Health" there is a new study suggested that people who work in a "green" office, literally surrounded by plants are happier than people in "lean" office. Productivity could increase about 10% - 15% in the existence of plants in the work environmental and it shows how a splash of greenery could improve performance and productivity. Bringing plants into offices can significantly increase workspace satisfaction and make people feel happier at work and as a result the productivity of the organization will increase. Code95 once surprised the team with small house plants and flowers, it was really an amazing idea and it reflects on the performance and productivity of the employees. The presence of plants can reduce physiological stress, help in feeling comfortable, increase attention and concentration and that make it easier to achieve progress and increase productivity.Posted: 17 May, 2016
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