Early detection kills the beast!
1 min read

Posted: 19 Oct, 2015
Code95 can't skip October without shedding a light on the critical and lifesaving "breast cancer awareness campaign" that is currently running. Hand in hand we stand with all the institutions and campaigns that alert women about the necessity and the importance of regular self-breast examination and getting yearly mammograms, especially after their 48 and those who have family history of breast cancer.code95 breast cancer awareness
We know that most women are totally swamped with their jobs, housework & children's endless responsibilities. But do you know that out of eight women one gets breast cancer?
Early detection means a good prognosis and higher survival rates, so discovering the disease at its early stage will help you to get rid of that beast before it haunts other parts of your body.
You are the backbone of the family and the society, so for the sake of your precious health and your beloved ones, don't underestimate those regular checks that could save your life.
Posted: 19 Oct, 2015
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