Code95 launches Lafarge – Health and Safety Mobile Application
6 min read

Posted: 31 Dec, 2024
In Code95, we are currently celebrating the launch of the brand new Lafarge Health and Safety mobile application 2019; an internal application designed specifically for the employees to limit the occupational hazards.
The application has three main purposes:
Encouraging Reporting:
Minimizing Accidents:
Tracking the Lead Indicator:
How to use Lafarge mobile application 2019:



Personal Profile:


New Report:

Action Owner’s Dashboard:
Enhancing the KPIs:
Pointing System:

2. Tracking Solutions:
When the Action Owner starts coming up with a solution for a certain reported issue, each step he takes will be administered and should be approved by the admin. This closely guarded system will ensure the effectiveness, correctness, and reliability of each solution given.
3. Calculations:
Through a carefully studied system, Lafarge will be able to calculate the action effective closure and the subordinate index through its mobile application 2019. These two calculations will help them directly calculate the leading indicator. In brief, this application will get the employees to report more. This way, Lafarge will be more aware of what causes accidents, and will be able to provide effective solutions. And in the grand scheme of things, this cycle will lessen the rate of accidents and thus influence their lead indicator.Posted: 31 Dec, 2024
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