Developing mobile apps: The no 1 thing that gets your brand handy

Posted: 24 Oct, 2016
While some believe that developing mobile apps is for commercial businesses only, many small and medium companies go for developing mobile apps to expand their business reach, support their brand among consumers and generate even higher profits.
What does developing mobile apps do for your business?
Key benefits that a mobile app brings to your business
Reach your target customers in the way they prefer
Developing mobile apps benefits The rule says: know what your client uses and be there.Mobile app downloads reached 240 billion per year in 2021-2022. This MUCH interest in mobile apps leaves no room that developing mobile apps is promising for businesses to reach their customers at their fingertips.
Strengthen your brand
One of the key benefits of developing mobile apps is to promote your brand, company or your product to consumers. Customers are most likely to engage with a business with a mobile app over anything else. And put it at a higher professional level.Drive visits to your website
Applications stores such as Apple’s App Store and Google Play store get millions of visits per day, and the existence of a mobile application for your project or product in app stores helps to attract more traffic and increase the number of visitors to your website, and it also improves its ranking on search engines.Add a new source of profit
You as a businessman can take advantage of developing a mobile app in making a profit directly from the application by putting sponsored ads, applying in-app purchases to your application on the different app stores, or adding some advantages in the application for a fee.Open up a communication channel between you and your customer
In business, your clients are the most valuable assets. Connecting and communicating with them builds a seamless process and customer loyalty. Developing mobile apps changes the way of interacting and communicating with your customers.So a mobile app is a great tool to listen to your customers, get their thoughts, and know their feedback, to give them better offerings and improve your service accordingly.Mobile apps facilitate your communication through the app reviews on the app store or the app rate or suggestions and recommendations given through the developer email provided in the app description.
Track customers’ behavior to know their preferences
Collecting the data of your customers is one of the biggest benefits of developing mobile apps. These data help you determine the most profitable geographic areas and identify your customers' needs with more demographic information about them such as sex and age. You as a business owner can use this data to improve the products, services, and offers to meet your customers’ needs in the most effective way.Marketing support for your business on social networks
Social networking applications are linked closely to smartphones, and smartphone applications are considered ideal platforms to support the marketing strategy through social networks.
What is the mobile app development roadmap?
While developing mobile apps seems an easy decision in your business, it takes a whole process to get a mobile app done the right way! In a good case scenario when you deal with the company of your choice, you will follow these steps to get a mobile app. Your mobile app’s development will go in the following workflow.
No successful mobile app is developed without a strategy. In order to get the perfect mobile app that best serves your business, you need to know what you want from it first.In the “strategy” phase of the development of your mobile app, you answer the following:What is the main purpose of building a mobile app for your business?
How will the mobile app help your business tackle its goals?
How do you envision the app?
Which platform do you want to push your mobile app into?
Who is the ideal customer that you target with your app?
What value do you want to deliver through your mobile app?
How will the mobile app benefit your business, your client, and your goals in the future?Developing a strategy for your mobile app ensures that it has a solid ground that stands on it.Pro tip: don’t do this alone. Putting a strong strategy is best done with a team. Get an expert’s hands in your strategy phase.This will help you land a professionally-studied mobile app strategy, and gives it an edge over other mobile apps that are pushed casually into the app stores by amateurs. This will top your efforts with success.Analysis and planning
You have set your objectives and knew your requirements. Now the technicals take in these requirements and put the exact technical needs of your project.
In this stage, you plan for:
- The app’s name
- Which platform you will put your app on; Apple app store or Google app store
- How will the process go
- What resources will be needed to execute your mobile app
- What programming languages are the best
- What are the milestones that will be there
- The project’s estimated timeline
- The different use cases of your mobile app
- The technical scope of your project
UI/UX design
A successful mobile app is what the user love to use and interact with. This is what a UI/UX design does to your mobile app.UI design is User Interface design and UX design is User experience design. Together make the UI/UX design which is about designing the overall impression that a mobile app should leave in the user’s experience while using your app.In the UI/UX design stage, the designer studies and designs the use cases of the app based on the audience that you are targeting. And then design your mobile app to best serve them.
App development
Here your mobile app is moved to the development phase and getting its final form.A mobile app project divides into 2 major parts; backend development, and frontend development.
The front end refers to the development of the interface that the user will see, use, and interact with. So this should be as feasible and engaging as possible.
Backend development is the development of the mobile app backend that you will use as the app owner to edit or update any section of your app like content or photos.
By the end of the app development phase, your app is almost ready to be published. Just one last step, the testing.
Before you launch your app, you need to test it to ensure that everything you designed is working well. especially since many issues of the app are not discovered until it is used. But you can’t leave a thing for your user to discover. That’s why testing your app is a must. Testing ensures that:
- Each section of your mobile application is working properly right in its place
- Each section works compatibly with other sections in the mobile app
- The whole system is doing just what it was designed to do
Here comes the decisive moment! Launching your app!
To successfully pass this stage and get your mobile app launched properly, ensure that your app is launched to the right mobile app store in the right way according to this store's standards.
Pro tip: get a technical support team beside you in the deployment moment.
The deployment of your mobile app and pushing it into the app store is a tricky moment for all, both technical and business owners. In the process, it faces
It might face several technical challenges. The technical support team are focused on solving any upcoming issue immediately.
How to promote your mobile app after launch?
Promoting your mobile app after you launch it is going to be your biggest deal.
Now, after you have launched your mobile app, you need to promote it and get it spread and used by real users. To promote your mobile app, it should follow the standards of the different mobile app platforms whether it is the Google play store or Apple app store.
See how to promote your mobile application for extra success.
Here to help!
Want to build a mobile app for your business, we are here to help!
Talk to a business development specialist to help you build the perfect mobile app for your business.
Posted: 24 Oct, 2016
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