B2B Vs B2C: Your Guide to Choose Your eCommerce Platform
4 min read

Posted: 14 Aug, 2020
Turning leads into customers in business seems to be challenging. However, its sales relationship is sustainable and of high value.
On the other side, targeting individual customers is shorter but straightforward.
Generally, commerce divides into two main categories, B2C (Business to Customer), and B2B ( Business to Business ) which in turn results in using two different platforms to convey the different needs of each, B2C eCommerce platform and B2B eCommerce platform.
And before proceeding let’s define both,
B2C eCommerce:
Business to Customer eCommerce includes those direct sales processes that are running online between the individual consumers and business.B2B eCommerce:
Business to Business eCommerce includes all the sales transactions that take place between companies online. Meaning that B2B eCommerce targets business and stakeholders.The key differences between B2C and B2B:
1- Target Market
As previously mentioned that the main difference between B2B and B2C eCommerce is their target market. B2C sells to customers which is a certain specific portion of the overall market while B2B sells to business which is much more specific.2- Decision-making Process
In B2C eCommerce, decision-making process depends only on the individual customer’s needs. So the decision-making process is considerably easy and short. While in B2B, since it targets a small segment of the market, it takes a long complicated process for the buyer to complete a sales transaction. That’s because there is a large panel of managers, executives and directors behind taking such a decision, so in B2B it is an entire logic-driven process.3- Pricing structure
Because of the direct contact between the customer and business in the B2C eCommerce, the sales process is short, the transaction value is small but repetitive. Meaning that there may be thousands of customers are buying items at once, each transaction is small but the number of purchased items is much higher. In B2B eCommerce, the sales process takes a longer time to be finalised. However, the transaction value of each sales is much higher. So once you gained trust with a business, the sales relationship between you will be solid and sustainable. As a result of the different nature of the two processes, it is inevitable to implement each in its right platform when it comes to the eCommerce.Different features of B2C and B2B eCommerce Platforms:
For an eCommerce website, it should follow the needs of each type of eCommerce, be it B2C or B2B. following are some of the main defining features of each1- Interface design:
For a B2C eCommerce platform, you will need a user-friendly interface with impressive designs, engaging banners and appealing colours since the customer here is driven by his personal intention and impressions. While in B2B, your eCommerce website must be informative, functional, modern, and using professional designs.2- Content:
In B2C, the customer is driven by his personal intentions and emotions, so a catchy content is needed to convey his need in an item. While in B2B, logic and facts are the stars of the B2B eCommerce website. Almost all the B2B buyers look for facts, numbers and detailed descriptions in a website before deciding to buy.3- Checkout process:
Because the business to the customer sales process is short, a B2C eCommerce website should support shopping and checking out as a guest as well as a user. But in the business to business eCommerce website, it is essential to add more checking out functionalities that support large budgets, secure payment methods, multiple business accounts and so on. And now as you have become aware of B2C and B2B eCommerce platforms different types, you are ready to check those top 5 eCommerce tools to start your eCommerce websites now!Posted: 14 Aug, 2020
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