5 Mistakes Managers Make With Remote Employees

Posted: 06 Sep, 2016
Hiring and managing remote employees and workers in the virtual workplace became a new trend in business. Remote employees don’t need a daily commute or a central office; they just need easy access to the Internet. Remote workers can do their work from home or any other place that has an Internet connection. Before hiring remote employees, it is important to take into consideration that not everyone is suited for a remote work environment. In this article, we will discuss 5 mistakes most managers do when employing remote workers.
1- Hiring the wrong remote employees for the wrong reasons

One of the common mistakes in hiring new people is choosing an employee who can work for a long time regardless of his knowledge and experience. When you make the decision to hire someone, pick the person who can do the work and who has enough knowledge and ability to achieve the required targets. Besides, the more the employee understands the job requirements, the more he will perform better than any other employee.
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2- You don’t set targets to measure the results

Another mistake that managers might make is not having specific targets for their employees to meet. If you as a manager can’t measure the amount of accomplished work, then it will be difficult to measure if there is any work that has been done, and this is a mistake that you have to avoid from now on. The successful manager should determine the required goals and priorities for every one of his employees, as well as set the deadline to achieve each goal.
3- Lack of communication with the employees

Another disadvantage of a remote work environment is the lack of communication between employees with each other or with managers and employees which results from not seeing someone face to face. The manager role is following up the work; so it was preferable to use a specific mechanism to see the achievements of each person per week, and of there is a delay it’s your duty to know the reasons for the delay and offer possible solutions.
4- You don’t help your employees to make progress
One of the main roles of the manager is putting the employees in their minds, improving, and helping the employees with advice and training. For example, if the employee is suffering from a specific problem in his work, try to help him by providing advice to overcome this problem and know how to deal with it in the future.
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5- Trying to do everything on your own

Junior managers who trust only themselves usually tend to do everything on their own. Even after the employee has finished his work, the manager reviews his work because he wants everything to be finished. If the employee feels that the manager does not trust him or his abilities, he might withdraw from the work especially since our nature as human beings is always want to be the best.
Posted: 06 Sep, 2016
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