4 Inspiring eCommerce Ideas that You Should Think about

Posted: 08 Sep, 2020
Why should you digitize your business now?
A successful business should have a solid online ground to stand on especially when dealing with customers. In eCommerce, customers love to see, feel, and interact with the product they want to buy, and this can only be acquired through establishing a well-presented eCommerce website. Having a well-curated website for your business undoubtedly improves your online presence, boosts your products or services engagement with customers, attract new leads, and of course, maintaining business-customer relationships for the long term. According to Shopify, retail eCommerce sales will reach $4.9 Trillion worldwide by 2021! Can you imagine? So if you haven’t digitized your business yet, it’s the time to do so. And if you fancy the idea but don’t have a ready idea in your mind, here are 4 eCommerce business ideas that you will find one for your online business regardless of its size or how successful it is, all you have to do is to just start.4 Inspiring eCommerce ideas that you should think about
Handmade and crafts
One of the most trending niches for selling online is handmade products. And under the handmade category, comes a long list of other subcategories like handmade jewelry, handmade gifts, handmade art pieces and decorations, and even handmade food meals and recipes.
For this particular type of business, having the passion and sense of creativity is the key!
If you have a hobby or talent, so you should consider handmade products as the niche for your eCommerce business.
No one ever wants to buy blindly! So, in this niche, you should provide as much product description as possible, like the product size, colors, and material. As well as photos of high quality of your product including the product from different angles with the option to zoom in.
That gives your customer a clear and precise image of the product they will buy in addition to building trust with your business.
Eco-friendly products
As one of the new trends the world has witnessed in the last years is the eco-friendly movement that means manufacturing products of environmentally friendly materials to achieve sustainability, and that includes clothes, accessories, shoes, and so on.
The recent sales trends of eco-friendly products have shown that customers tend to trust and thus buy a product that they believe that it is environment friendly and sustainable more than any other.
If you chose this niche, telling the story behind each product will be your best approach. The kind of customers that go for these type of products loves to hear the story of it, learn about the different stages that it took, from the idea, manufacturing, and till they have the product in their hands.

Cosmetics and Beauty
Another high-demand niche is beauty, and this includes makeup, skincare, and other related products. There is nearly no home that doesn’t use at least one product of cosmetics and skincare products, and it is also expected that the cosmetic market sales reach $805.61 billion by 2023.

When talking about cosmetics, the reviews of the product are much more important than the product itself and play a pivotal role in the decision-making process of customers. Many people tend to decide between buying a specific skincare product because it has positive reviews from other customers on the website.
You can also use cross-selling and upselling features, which entice customers to purchase more interesting items and that of course draw their attention to your brand.
Sport and Fitness tools and products
Sport has been always on the demand. Since the huge social media revolution, people have been always obsessed with the fit athletes around the world, especially on Instagram where Instagrammers ceaselessly share amazing photos with their followers to inspire them with their fit body shape, healthy food habits, gym training, their last purchased fitness product, and so on.
So it is a very good idea to start an eCommerce business in the sport and fitness industry.

Have you noticed the key to promote your sales in a sports eCommerce business? Yes, influencers, bloggers, and athletes will be of great benefit for you to see and be seen in this niche.
Take your time to think about what inspires you and what are you interested in. Brainstorm, take notes of the previously suggested ideas, add other ideas of your interests and you will come out with a very good eCommerce business idea to start with. Who knows, maybe this will be your next business!
Whatever the eCommerce ideas you came up with, we will be here to help you with your eCommerce business journey, from building your website, mobile application, to the marketing.
Posted: 08 Sep, 2020
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