How to Set your Career Goals
4 min read

Posted: 02 Jan, 2025
“New Year, new me” is a bit overdue at this point. But we have to say, it does tickle our fancy a little bit. New Year celebrations just ended and it’s time to get to business. Literally. Your career this year doesn’t have to be stressful or dull. Planning eliminates all unnecessary worry of “am I doing this right?” and “what’s my next step?”. Here’s how to set your career goals!
Assess where you are now
When you open up a map to find somewhere you need to be, you also need to put in your current location. It shows you your next turn in the direction you should be headed towards. Figuring out where you stand now will help you get to where you need. Ask yourself…-
Did I achieve my career goals in 2018?
What were my accomplishments?
What were my weaknesses?
Earn your current position and more
After looking back on your 2018, you can have an honest sit down with yourself. Are you earning your current job title? Are you going the extra mile to move beyond it? The truth is… No employer is going to promote an average employee. In today’s competitive world, “average” just doesn’t cut it. So, make it one of your 2019 career goals to take more initiatives, speak up and do more for your establishment.Don’t underestimate negotiating
Negotiating is the most important skill of growing up. It can get you better deals on almost anything you need, including your professional life. The crucial thing to remember about negotiating is that you need to have a solid argument. So, how do you prepare for negotiating? If you’re negotiating for a raise in your salary, start with assessing your current salary to the average in your niche. Then evaluate your time on the job and use your accomplishments as incentives for a raise. You have to believe you deserve the raise before you make someone else believe it. So do your research, make sure you’ve truly earned it and make your argument as direct as possible.Work-life balance is not a myth
Self-care is a big trend these days... for good reason. Millennials, particularly, are so concerned with their careers that they let it overshadow their personal lives. It’s a hard balance to keep between your personal and professional life, but it’s one that’s absolutely crucial. Take a look at your 2018 vacation and sick days, have you taken full advantage of them? Have you utilized them to your benefit? In 2019, make sure you plan your year in a way that helps your 2019 career goals while giving you room to breathe.Get specific about what you want to achieve
What counts as success? Well, part of setting your 2019 career goals is figuring out how to measure them. If your boss doesn’t already have them out for you, create them for yourself. Measurable KPIs are so important, especially if you compartmentalize. Make it habit to stop and measure every now and then. Every quarter is a great time to see if you’re on the right track before you’re shook with next December. Be as specific as possible when it comes to numbers. For instance, your goals should be: I want to increase sales for my company by 10% for the next quarter. Setting high expectations for yourself will make you work harder so definitely aim high.New Year, new me... but for real
Get creative with how you work on yourself. One of your 2018 career goals should be to stand out through working on a specific skill that will help your career move forward. Give yourself that extra edge this year by focusing on that one skill no one else has. It can be anything from leadership skills to learning a new language. Not only will this be completely satisfying for you, it might even be really fun.Posted: 02 Jan, 2025
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