What are the types of e marketing?

Asmaa Saleh ·
9 min read

2 years ago, if I have told you that 99% of businesses will grow, seal deals online and that you will be one of them, you wouldn’t have believed it.

A global pandemic, lockdown, and economic crisis that happened in 2020 have turned the table and made it inevitable to take your business online. And to explore new grounds for successful opportunities and a much wider segment of clients.

And here you are now looking for the types of e-marketing. Let's get together into e-marketing, learn what are the types of e marketing, and see how can it turn your business 180 degrees.

Marketing your business online brings you closer to your target customer in a way that you love, and benefit from. 

What is E-Marketing?

E-marketing, or as usually referred to as Digital Marketing or Electronic Marketing. E-marketing is the use of the internet and all digital means to promote services, businesses, and products. 


What are the types of E marketing?

Okay, so you want your business to succeed and excel online. The good news is that there is more than one way to make this happen.

Here are 10 different but very complementary types of e marketing that proved to take your business to a whole new level. 

What are the different Types and Methods of e Marketing

  • Search Engine Optimization

Also referred to as SEO. 

When marketing your website online, SEO is the best.

SEO is the process of improving your website’s visibility on search engines. Why?

95% of internet users don’t exceed the first 3-5 websites on the first search result page. The higher your website rank on this page, the more likely it get clicks and so drive more traffic with more revenue. 

If your website is not within the first third of the search results page, you lose!

How SEO can market your website online?

When it comes to ranking websites on the search engine results, Google ranks websites based on how they benefit the user, and how readable and organized is the content.

SEO is improving your website performance to give it more chance to rank first in organic search engine results like Google. and so it is well discovered, strikes more visibility, and drive more traffic. 

In SEO, we analyze your website to check its current situation and detect issues that might prevent it from ranking high. Then we recommend you a list of suggested solutions included in a never-failed SEO plan. 

  • Email Marketing

If asked why email marketing, I’d tell you that if you are going to close your business tomorrow, your greatest legacy will be your contacts. So let it work for you from now.

Email marketing is using email to promote your business to your contact list either by informing, educating, selling, or entertaining your customers. 

By implementing email in your marketing strategy, you can target specific segments of your customer database. And reach them in the comfort of their place. 

We use this type to send advertisements, request business, or solicit sales or donations. Its strategies seek to achieve specific goals to build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness.

  • Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is the use of different social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat to market your business or services, widen your target market, and reach customers on their everyday channels.

Social media marketing gained its popularity because all social media platforms are free to join and use. it is also a powerful tool to talk to your customer on their everyday platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. 

Social Media Marketing is also a powerful way for your business, regardless of its size, why?

Because it opens a direct gateway between you and your existing and potential clients, know what they are asking and instantly answer it. Also, talk to them in their language and receive real-time inquiries. 

By establishing a well-planned social media marketing strategy and linking it to your website -if you have one-, you can drive a great deal of traffic to it. This increases your opportunity to 

This type of marketing (electronic marketing) can help you build your brand, connect with your audience, raise your sales or increase your website traffic.

  • Video Marketing

Similar to content marketing, video marketing is marketing your business or services using video. 

Over the recent 4 years, video marketing has greatly reshaped social media and user behavior on it. Instagram’s reels and short videos have now been moved to Facebook. Tiktok and Snapchat also. Live videos. 

According to Statista, 78% of internet users watch video content every week. And that 59% of them watch videos every day.

This leaves no room for twice thinking about using video in your marketing strategy

The main purpose of video marketing is to increase engagement using social media platforms and make the audience share the videos. This method is the easiest way to educate potential customers.

And this is not something new, as 81% of businesses actually use video marketing in their strategy according to social media week.

Different ways you can use video marketing in:

    • You can use video marketing by talking about a service or product you offer and telling how it can benefit your client. 
    • Boast a testimonial you were given by an existing customer.
    • Showing your customer a guide on how to use a service or product you have.
    • Host an open ask-and-answer live video.
    • Show your expertise by educating your customer on a given topic in your field.

This is a reason why marketers who use videos grow revenue 49% faster than those who don’t use videos. 

  • Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a process in which an affiliate marketer contacts a company to promote its product or service on their blog for example with a purchase link in it. Whenever a purchase is made through this link, which is usually discounted, the affiliate marketer earns a commission.

a process in which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing a company’s product or services and it is also performance-based marketing.

Most bloggers and content creators on social media platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat or Instagram are usually partners with brands on their affiliate marketing projects.

  • Influencer marketing

How much do you believe in the word of mouth? What if you have heard a positive experience from someone you know? How much will your trust increase if this person has a good reputation and is trusted by tens.. hundreds.. thousands of people?

People with thousands of followers online have inspired businesses and marketers to use in their marketing strategies. And they successfully made it under the name of influencer marketing!

Influencer marketing is the use of influencers, especially on social media to promote a product or service using their influence on their followers.

Statista endorsed the power of influencer marketing by stating that Instagram is the leading platform for influencer marketing. 



These were what are the types of e marketing, and how each of them can benefit your business.

Which one to use for your business in the meantime? What about talking to us to find out?

Code95 is a top-rated web development company in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Asmaa Saleh

Testimonial “A professional, nice to work with a bunch of people that will add value in any project they work on.” Passant Fouad, Juhayna “Perfect support, outstanding calibres. We as an organization consider them a great partner.” AttijariWafa Bank “Code95 is comprised of a dynamic, energetic and dedicated team that has helped us in realising our vision for the website we wanted to create. They are very flexible and work round the clock to ensure the process is going smoothly. They are creative and experienced and able to handle big tasks and projects. It was a pleasure to work with them and we look forward to continuing this relationship in future endeavours.” Abdel-Rahman Hussein, Dandin “By the end of a very long timeline project full of energy, stress, quality, dedication, long sleepless nights, day to day support even on weekends & public holidays & a perfect project delivery, I would like first to thank each & everybody who gave the energy & dedication to this project leaving family & personal life to provide such a service. I would like also to inform you that our work especially the website has been recognized from the highest levels in the government & everyone we meet during the event give us the credit over it, so I loved to share this with you guys this would never be done without your great support all over the last months. We as JWT appreciate the relationship with your end & wishing to have more & more business together for the upcoming months. “THANK YOU ALL, Ahmed Helal , JWT
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