Why testing is important for your project?

Posted: 01 Aug, 2022
3 main stages of a project cycle
Every successful project passes by 3 main stages; planning - implementation - testing & delivery. *The following stages are what we personally do at Code95. However, this should be the standard of your project management in all the companies you may deal with. Let’s go!-
Planning stage
The planning stage draws the outline of your project. From your technical needs like design and content, the calibres needed to execute these needs, the budget available and the timeline you want your project to be delivered on.
The implementation stage:
When setting your needs ends, the technical part begins. Here your design is being made by designers and developed by the development team building and putting every part of your website in its place according to your scope of work.
At the end of this stage, you have your website or mobile application in your hands! And can eventually see everything you wanted right in your project.
We love this part of the process and our clients enjoy it the most.
The testing stage:
Right before the launch of your website and to make sure it is running issues-free, we walk your project through that testing stage. In this stage, our testers test your website and every single part of it, literally.
Here we talk about Testing.
What is Testing?
Testing is the process of using your project - website or mobile application - like a typical user and checking and evaluating every single part of it to make sure it is working properly as it was designed to. Testing is the third phase of web development or mobile app development after planning and implementation. And maybe the most crucial above all!Why testing is important for your project?
Aside from putting every part in place and everything looks so good. Some issues can’t be discovered unless it is used. The testing phase gives it the chance to appear and then be fixed before going live. Why testing is important:- Detect issues and fix them at an early stage
- Ensure that your project is working properly
- Refine the performance of your website or mobile application
- Cut the costs of fixing issues at a later stage
- Discovering issues while developing is easier because developers and testers are still in the work and know very well what was this part designed to do. While fixing issues after launching your website will make technicals go all the way back to first understand what you were building this part for. This is a time and effort costing
4 stages of testing shape your project's success
- Unit tests: test individual components.
- integration tests: test integrated components
- System tests: test the entire system
- Acceptance tests: test the final system
- Each section of your website or mobile application is working properly in its place
- Each section performs well with other sections in the system
- All sections are working efficiently within the whole system
- The whole system is doing just what it was designed to do
Posted: 01 Aug, 2022
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