About Web design in Egypt!
2 min read
Posted: 11 Jan, 2015
web design in Egypt gone through a lot of challenges and changes during the technology revelation we are going through, these services in Egypt offered by a lot of website designing companies with different features and special programmed services.
what is Web design ?
The definition includes a great large of activities, skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. The different areas of web design include web graphic design; interface design; authoring, including standardized code and proprietary software; user experience design; and search engine optimization.Web design history
Since 1988
Although web design has a recent history, it could be related to other areas such as graphic design . It could also be seen from technological standpoint . it has become a huge part of people’s daily lives . it’s very hard to think about Internet without thinking about animated graphics, different styles of typography, background and music. In 1989, in CERN Tim Berners innovate a global hypertext project, which knows as the World Wide Web. In the period between 1991 to 1993 the World Wide Web too young . Web design was at first phase, but as a web progressed, HTML became more flexible in many things. The first internet browser was issued in 1993 by the National center for super computing applications (NCSA), that browser create the possibility for users to view texts and graphics. Now the WWW or the world wide Web is the main information’s source for most human beings with billions of documents linked to form a huge knowledge base and a market place for millions of people worldwide.Web design in Egypt
The Egyptian government represented in ministry of communication do a lot of efforts to support Egyptian web technology companies like the event of Cairo ICT in which all web design and development companies represent their latest technologies during the event, and Code95 was part of this enormous event and shared its historical success.Posted: 11 Jan, 2015
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