Can SEO really increase your web traffic?
5 min read

Posted: 31 Jul, 2022
Let us put aside any SEO definitions and benefits you may have heard before and look at it on the ground.
Can SEO really increase your web traffic?
The short answer is absolutely YES.
For the long answer on how can SEO increase web traffic, read on.
What is SEO?
SEO for Search Engine Optimization means optimizing your website so that search engines find it helpful and raise its rank to appear in the first results of search engines. Some of the SEO factors that search engine use to rank your website is load speed, the relevance of content, and more. The higher your website rank on search results, the more users click on your website and then converted to leads.Why is SEO the best solution to increase your sales?
- SEO is free compared to other paid marketing and advertising methods.
- It has a longer lifetime. An SEO-optimized piece of content on your website can drive traffic to your website for many years ahead. Tested and proven.
- SEO drives organic traffic of real users that are really interested in your website, service, or product. Other methods of paid marketing may use suspected sources of traffic that may harm your SEO.
- It is a chance to show you as a trustworthy expert in your field whenever a user searches and finds your website telling a useful tip.
How can SEO increase web traffic?
A simple process that steers up incredible results: Higher rank = more traffic = more sales and conversions. To rank higher, SEO uses a full strategy to achieve your goals. This strategy includes On-site SEO, Off-site SEO, and Technical SEO. Enhancing all of these elements in your website helps increase web traffic. The first step in SEO increases your website traffic is Keywords. By doing keyword research, you will find the keywords that your clients use to find a service or a product like yours. Implementing these keywords in the content on your website, the titles and subtitles of your web pages, the meta description, and so on. Remember that any fooling with search engines like stuffing irrelevant keywords into your content to increase web traffic, will reflect negatively on your website and Google may repel your website from search results. So if you will not be able to tune these things, it is highly advised to have the hand of an SEO company to do this work for you.How much can SEO increase traffic?
How much can SEO increase traffic and how long it takes depends on where you want your website to be or simply, your goals! Such goals are determined by your current situation. That’s why it differs from one website to another. But we have real examples to help you figure it out! Magrabi Hospitals and Centers is one of the largest hospitals in KSA and Egypt. Magrabi contacted us for SEO and thanks to our SEO team’s efforts, their website drives traffic now of over 24,600 users daily and 657,393 users monthly. Also, Abdal for recruitment and human resources. It requested SEO and reached 22,140 users daily and 591,653 users monthly. Got it?How does SEO work?
When you come to ask for an SEO service for your website, our SEO team meet with you to understand your needs. They now know very well about your business, industry and your services or products. Also, what are your pain points, challenges to overcome, and goals you want to achieve? Here starts the work! Our SEO specialists run a thorough analysis of your website to stand on its current situation, get to know who are your competitors, what searches you appear in and what keywords your users may use to reach your website. After that, a specially curated SEO strategy is created for you. This strategy with the action plan is made to achieve your goals. Most importantly, our SEO team gives you KPIs - Key Performance Indicators, to know where they will be taking your website performance at the end of the strategy. Not every SEO company will give you these KPIs but it is a critical point to save you costs and time. Of course, you can not afford a long process with failed goals! So pay attention to this when deciding on which SEO company to hire. In this strategy, you will be involved in every step and have an eye over every progress to watch your website as it comes closer to your target.Who might need SEO?
Typically, SEO proved to maximize the digital presence and sales of almost all industries. No exception. But if you are one of the following industries, you should no longer think twice about starting your SEO strategy NOW!- Medical and health industries
- Automotive
- Health & safety industries
- Real estate
Posted: 31 Jul, 2022
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