Code95 launched the Egypt Economic Development Conference Online!
2 min read
Posted: 06 Oct, 2024
Code95 launched the Egypt Economic Development Conference Online which is One of the major and critical conferences that will happen in Egypt in the upcoming days is the Egypt Economic Development Conference (EEDC) hosted by the president Abdel-Fattah El Sisi in Sharm El-Sheikh on the 13-15 March 2015. The conference is a key milestone of the government’s medium-term economic development plan, which is designed to bring prosperity and improve social services to the Egyptian citizens.
We are so proud that we have been chosen out of various companies in Egypt to develop and design the official website of this big conference that almost rings a bell now in all Egypt’s streets, as Egyptians are hoping that the conference will succeed in initiating and attracting investors from all over the world and be a turning point in the Egyptian economy.
Our team in Code95 worked their fingers to the bone and explored all the avenues to develop a presentable, comprehensive and informative website that gathers all the required data related to the (EEDC) from the global speakers who will attend with a glimpse of their biography to any news related to the conference in general. We also took into consideration that the design should feature the greatness of the conference, have the Egyptian atmosphere and reflect the vibe of anticipation for such a tremendous event.
Aside from the time and the effort we exerted in this project the enthusiasm and the patriotic passion overwhelmed the team during the whole working process which eventually contributed to delivering a website that suits this big event.
Posted: 06 Oct ,2024
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