Best Ramadan Advertising Campaigns
4 min read

Posted: 31 Dec, 2024
Ramadan is always a busy season for advertisers. It is the holiest month in the year, but it is also the most entertaining one. Mega companies pair with advertisers to create the flashiest ads, the catchiest songs, and the most memorable moments. For 2019, here are the best Ramadan advertising campaigns:
Pepsi - #يلا_نكمل_لمتنا
Will the nostalgic trend ever go out of style? The numbers say probably not. Ad by BIGFOOT Films This 80s and 90s Egyptian soap opera inspired ad featuring our favorite celebrities definitely grabbed everyone’s attention. With its humorous take on the Ramadan stereotypical characters and classic cameos, it took viewers back to the days of Zakeya Zakaria. Now becoming a staple of Egyptian millennial culture, Peace Cake continue to spread out their signature style through entertainment channels. Whether you love ‘em or you hate ‘em, you have to admit they do stand out. Yehia and Safi’s cameos were the millennial cherry on top of an otherwise dinosauric group, making the ad the cool kind of retro. Kudos to Pepsi for taking this risk. We would say it definitely paid off.Orange - #فرق_كبير
Now, that’s a campaign! Orange not only created one of the most entertaining songs of the year, but it created a whole campaign around it with the premise “details go a long way”. Aside from the cool offers on recharging, Orange users also got special calls from Tamer Hosny and Nancy Ajram. And it definitely went a long way! These special little details made a huge buzz on social media and created a new found love for the network. This marks as one of the best Ramadan advertising campaigns this year, for sure.NBE - #بنك_اهل_مصر
A new collaboration between Good People and Tarek Nour brought us this Ramadan gem. Directed by Ali Ali with the creative help of the awesome El Hamba and Sherif Doss, this Ramadan ad is funny, informative and one of a kind. It is the first dialogue driven ad for the banking sector in a while and we love it. This is one of our top picks for best Ramadan advertising campaigns in 2019. We will definitely be quoting that one all month!Vodafone - #جمع_حبايبك
Telecommunications companies rivalry is still alive and well this Ramadan. With the nostalgic trend still going strong, Amr Diab shares his memories with favorite celebrities from his journey. Vodafone’s partnership with the biggest Egyptian pop star alive is a definite win.500 500 Hospital - #قادرين_نعملها
Another big budget with celebrities win is the new 500 500 Hospital Ramadan ad. With Mohamed Hamaki leading the campaign and giving us one of fans’ favorite songs of the month. The joyful vibes and exciting spirits of this ad break the generally depressing donation cycle.NBK
This trilogy is making us laugh every time. Following the witty dialogue trend, NBK is the next of the banking sector to utilize some humor in its favor.Posted: 31 Dec, 2024
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