This summer is yours! 5 proven solutions on how to keep your business going in Summer

Asmaa Saleh ·
7 min read

In summer, businesses either slow down or boom! With a busy and dynamic season like summer, you should never miss an opportunity to reach your customers everywhere, promote attractive sales, and grow your business to keep it going in such time.

But managing your busy schedule in summer, and being on track with competitors in the market while targeting new opportunities may seem overwhelming and in some cases, it results in slowing down your business operations.

Unlock summer’s unmissable opportunities and learn how to keep your business going in summer with these 5 powerful solutions that are proven to boost your business to keep it running at its full energy in summer.

how to keep your business going in Summer

See and be seen!

Known as the year’s busiest months, summer is the show-off season. From the sea to the work, everyone snaps moments from their daily life and shares them on their business’ different platforms including their website and social media channels. Here is exactly where they should find you!

  • Tell your business’ unique story - 5 Inspirational Brands That Set Branding Rules.
  • Launch social media summer campaigns.
  • Customize your business logo to match summer vibes.
  • Add some of the summer elements to your business visual designs like the blue sea, shining sun, golden sand, and fresh juice.
  • Use popping colors and catchy designs of the summer colors to fit into your audience’s summer moods.

Your logo, colors, design layouts, and even your style of writing make up your distinctive identity and branding. Putting your branding elements into the vibrating summer mood has a lot to do with engaging your audience with your business and is meant to create a buzz around your brand in the market so your business can be successfully noticed.

Keep your business profile up-to-date

It’s 2021 and every successful business understands that having clear contact information opens up unexpected opportunities and brand collaborations especially in summer when most activities, events, and advertisements are taking place.

And when thinking about a business website, your “About Us" or “Contact Us” page is your client’s first point of contact with you when visiting your website.

So investing in a well-curated corporate website with an “About Us” page that shows your contact information, location, your social media channels, and tells about your business and the story behind it, is your best approach to be there and ready for future collaboration possibilities.

Provide an easier shopping experience

how to keep your business going

Marking the highest shopping peaks, managing online orders in summer is a big thing. If it is getting overwhelming and you are fed up with the never-ending customers’ inquiries asking for available colors, sizes, and prices, then having your eCommerce website is your perfect solution.

Make it easier for your customer to shop online on a website that clearly shows more photos of products, their full descriptions, and their prices rather than messaging you to ask about each item.

The self-help experience that an eCommerce website offers, saves a lot of time and effort for you and your customers alike. And allow you more time to manage your inventory, get to know your customers’ shopping behavior like their most favorite products or the best-selling items, so you can make offers, flash sales, or even provide coupons to encourage more sales. All of which are keys to growing your online business and building a professional brand.

4 Summer Business Ideas that You Should Think about

Connect and Reconnect 

how to keep your business going

When it comes to online business, your clients’ database is your most valuable asset! Take advantage of it to reach out to your clients who may have purchased your products once before, subscribed to your newsletter, or even just registered with their email addresses in one of your channels.

Welcome new registers by sending a warm welcome mailshot, and keep them updated with your new services, products, or offers.

Bond with your existing customers and send out occasional emails and newsletters.

Managing your clients’ relationships by sending promotional emails, organizing sales operations, and generating leads over time, seems to be a long and consuming process if done in a manual manner. But relying on a Customer Relationship Management CRM system can help in cutting this long process to half!

Automating your customers’ relationships through (CRM), lets you monitor your customer’s sales operations and identify his position in the buyer journey so you have better offerings for him.

Stay on top of every search result

how to keep your business going

Search engines are the first gate to your website and it is your client’s first go-to place to search for any products, places, or services. By ranking first in your client’s search results, chances are he will click to check your website, browse your options and so you will be chosen over others.

This can best be done by Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is meant to boost the speed of your website so it becomes easier to browse and navigate from one page to another, and so encourages visitors to come back resulting in doubling your website traffic over time.

Following one or all of these steps has proved to get your business well prepared before the busy summer season, get your business more successful by the end of summer, and keep it successfully buzzing in between.

If you haven’t prepared your business for the bustling summer yet, get the experts’ hands in powering up your business with one of our never-failed solutions (Branding - Corporate - eCommerce - CRM - SEO). We can help!

Asmaa Saleh

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