Social Media Marketing: How it can make or break your business

Code95 ·
4 min read
Being able to showcase your brand to a wide range of audience (all of which are interested and none of which are bound by geographical boundaries), had almost seemed like a dream a few years back. Social media, in all its glory, has then came to the rescue. Marketers have started utilizing social media to fit their purpose, which in turn resulted in a very well known concept: Social media marketing.  

Social Media Marketing in a Nutshell

  Social media marketing, or SMM, is the easiest and most time-saving method of marketing nowadays. It can allow you to reach an extremely wide range of audience by sharing the right content at the right time. It’s generally easier to find an Instagram account or a Facebook page than it is to find a website; so if you are just starting your business, looking to grow an already existing one, or trying to generate more leads, social media marketing is your new best friend.

Pros of Social Media Marketing

  Utilizing social media marketing correctly can help you ​showcase your brand to people who are genuinely interested​​. If you are in the fashion business, for example, and you have taken to Instagram to market your products, you are going to use relevant hashtags which will help users find you. Thus you are going to develop a loyal community​​ and ​increase the rate of customer engagement​​. If users like your posts or photos they are more likely to click on a link to your website or even look it up themselves to know more about you. Therefore, the content you post on social media is bound to boost the traffic on your own website​​. The quality of your content will also ​raise your SEO ranking so that people will find you just by googling keywords you tend to target.  

 Cons of Social Media Marketing

  But like every other good thing in the world, social media marketing has its demerits as well. If you ​lack a strategy and are just posting haphazardly, social media marketing will turn from a beneficial tool to a self-destructive weapon. On a good day, you will be at risk of negative feedback and bullying; on a bad day, you will lose customers and gain a bad reputation. Another major drawback of social media marketing is that you will be competing with other major businesses, that tend to showcase their brand in luxurious ways. That means that your business has to stand out; you have to offer something the other businesses don’t, AND you have to offer it in high quality. So even if you have a strategy but your content lacks quality, you will be at risk of gaining a bad reputation.

Improving your SMM skills

  The content you offer on social media will vary in type, they can be: written blog posts, Instagram or Pinterest pictures, or even Youtube videos; each type needs a certain set of skills and a different area of expertise. Now, this may seem daunting and tiring, and you might be thinking that maybe social media marketing will just have to wait until you hire the right team for this job, right? While hiring a social media marketing team is bound to increase the quality of your content on social media, however you may just not have the sufficient resources for that at the moment. That’s why we decided to help you out. This article will be the first in a series of blog posts that are going to teach you how to majorly improve your content on social media. We will be handling one tool each week; all of which are going to be handled so that anyone will be able to do it on their own. We are going to teach you how to come up with a strategy​, how to take Instagram-worthy pictures, how to write an engaging blog post, and how to shoot high-quality videos. Just remember that even if it seems daunting, everything does in the beginning, and you always have to start somewhere. So start now, start where you are, and start with what you have.  And we will be here to walk you through every step of the way.   If you want to enter the world of Social Media Marketing without all the hassle of doing it yourself? Contact Code95 and let us handle all your Digital Marketing needs 24\7.


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