Code95 launched 3 major Egyptian projects online in 2015
2 min read
Posted: 07 Oct, 2024
We proudly say that Code95 wrapped up 2015 with three projects that yield a good return on Egypt in different sectors and categories. As we can’t miss any opportunity to be a part of any project that aim to serve the best interest of our country.
The sectors of the three projects that Code95 launched online are:-
1-Economics Egypt the Future is a website that features Egypt Economic Development Conference (EEDC) is hosted by the president Abdel-Fattah El Sisi in Sharm El-Sheikh on the 13-15 March of 2014. We are so proud that we have been chosen among various companies to develop a website for one of the major and critical conferences that hopefully will succeed in initiating and attracting investors from all over the world and be a turning point in the Egyptian economy We developed and designed the website from scratch with advanced search ,there are four language versions for the website (Arabic, English, French and Chinese) .We presented the website data in an organized way especially the global speakers we added a photo , biography and the location of each one. The website is also dynamic and flexible in dealing with the backend and frontend; it is also responsive and fits on all devices. 2-Tourism This is Egypt is a campaign aiming to boost and support the tourism in Egypt. We gladly developed this is Egypt website; we did our best to convey the campaign message to the world. We also made sure that the content should be really convincing so we linked the website with all the hash-tags on Instagram and Twitter to show all the irresistible photos that illustrate the extent of Egypt’s beauty. 3-Open source Arab source Code is an open source network to promote cooperation and collaboration between the Foss communities in the Arab countries. We got a proposal from NGO, they want to develop an open source community between several Arab countries and they also requested branding ideas that suits the concept. We welcomed the idea and we were really enthusiastic to work on it and introduce it to the market, hoping that the FOSS concept will go viral in the future in the MENA region and help the developers to exchange knowledge.Posted: 07 Oct ,2024
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