Economy Plus
Delivering knowledge through videos and reports is a challenge to execute on a website. But E+ found the one to do so.
Economy Plus is your hub for exclusive economic news released moment by moment both locally and internationally.
Supporting news with videos, info-graphs, and long articles, Economy Plus needed a high-functioning website with a user-friendly interface to maintain the website’s reliability while the reader easily navigates its different sections.
The website they requested mainly focuses on reinforcing the provided news by videos for more trust and transparency.
In addition to the high technical scope they requested, the project’s timeline was only 3 weeks. Which we successfully met!
The website they requested mainly focuses on reinforcing the provided news by videos for more trust and transparency.
قم بزيارة الموقع
Economy Plus is a renowned hub for the latest economic news, reports, and infographics.
- Web development.
- Web design.
- Hosting.
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